
Category Archives: Social Media

Do you need a social media policy?

While we would like to think people have a firm understanding of how and when to post online, they don’t. And that lack of knowledge is dangerous in the workplace. One wrong picture, post or comment could put a company and an employee in hot water quickly, and it can be done without them even realizing […]


The Instagram Algorithm Is Here. Have You Been Effected Yet?

We knew it was coming – it has been in the works since March and after an initial outcry and no roll out, it slipped from the minds of the users. But, as of this week, it looks like the Instagram algorithm update is here to stay. (At least until they update it again). For this round, […]


Stop the Social Media ROI + ROAS Bullsh*t.

“Social media is about engagement, conversations and an audience… designed to increase reach of the brand. Social media is immeasurable against traditional ROI + ROAS standards”. ROI + ROAS {Return on investment + return on ad spend}. It’s what every C-Level executive wants out of their Social Media Marketing team and their initiatives. And rightly so. Why would you execute […]


The Next Chapter

Going back to work after my girls came home – preemie but strong – was both exciting and terrifying. I was motivated to continue what my team had started and help to grow the digital communications department at Transamerican Auto Parts/4 Wheel Parts in a way that would make a lasting impact. But after 3 […]